EU’s New Cross-Border Distribution Framework – Local Facilities in Member States

The new EU Directive 2019/1160 and Regulation 2019/1156 (the “Directive” and the “Regulation”) (together the “CBDF”) on the cross-border distribution of collective investment funds took effect on 2 August 2021. In an earlier update, we specifically examined the changes these made for UCITS and AIFs at the pre-marketing stage. In this update, we address the impact of the CBDF on the requirement to maintain local facilities across Member States.
Seonaid Mackenzie comments on FCA SMCR Regime in Hedgeweek

Seonaid Mackenzie, Managing Partner of Sturgeon Ventures, commented in Hedgeweek on the FCA’s Senior Managers & Certification Regime. The SM&CR is mainly concerned with how those businesses within the financial services are run and managed.