What Brexit means for Guernsey and Jersey
Carey Olsen discusses with Sturgeon Ventures what Brexit will mean for Guernsey and Jersey.
Bank of England Press Release – EU Withdrawal Act
Bank of England’s approach to financial services legislation under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act – October 2018
FCA Launches Green FinTech Challenge
Through The Wellness Marketplace (trade marked), Sturgeon Ventures has focused on investments that benefit society. At the core of its corporate partnering work, the well-being of people and planet are foremost.
FCA Proposes Changes to Crowdfunding Regulations
On 27th July, the FCA issued a Consultation Paper outlining new proposals for loan-based crowdfunding platforms. The consultation paper can be found at CP18/20: full consultation paper.
Socially Responsible Investments That Benefit Society And Our Planet
The Guernsey Financial Services Commission has launched its Guernsey Green Fund. Their platform objective is to provide investments that are involved with green initiatives including alleviating environmental harm, whilst providing returns for its investors. By specialising in green initiatives, the Guernsey Green Fund offers enhanced, trusted and transparent access to this investment area. Each fund’s […]
The FCA’s Role in Preparing for Brexit
FCA released yesterday, 27.6.2018, their role in preparing for BREXIT. Please read on the link below.Link: FCA Role in Preparing for BrexitSturgeon continues to innovate with Solutions for Emerging Managers and Corporate advisors Pre and Post Brexit. Please contact us on hello@sturgeonventures.com for further details.
Malta Leads The Way
Maltese Parliament has, on the 26th of June, approved forthcoming laws concerning Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). These come in the form of three pieces of legislation, namely Malta Digital Innovation Authority (‘MDIA’) Act, the Innovative Technology Arrangements and Services (‘ITAS’) Act, and the Virtual Financial Assets (‘VFA’) Act.
Sustainable Finance coming To The Core Of The Investment Community
Sustainable Finance coming to the Core of the Investment Community using ESG for Socially Responsible Investments: The European Commission has published its package of proposals in relation sustainable finance. It is encouraging responses to the proposals.
Project Harar Complex Mission 2018 – Five Days to go
Jackie Riley (jr@sturgeonventures.com) who many of you know in our Fund Monitoring Team is leaving London in 5 days from now to be part of this amazing work www.projectharar.org. Sturgeon Ventures has already donated 3,000 eggs (in true honour of being an incubator) for the project to help nourish the children pre and post operations. […]
The FCA’s 11 Principles for Regulated Firms – Core Values
Financial Services Start-ups – Ensure you go to a Regulatory Hosting Firm with Integrity, the 1st FCA Principle. Sturgeon Ventures having incubated people and firms for the past 20 years, prides its pioneered model of the Regulatory Incubator on focusing on the FCA’s 11 Principles at its core.