Sturgeon Ventures celebrates 25 years

Sturgeon Ventures celebrates 25 years with Seonaid (pronounced Shona) Mackenzie FCSI as the advisor to a Single Family Office investing as a venture catalyst and incubator of private companies.

Sturgeon Ventures became the pioneer of Regulatory Incubation in 2001 having coined the phrase Regulatory Incubator – the service of incubating people as approved persons  – with particular focus on individuals in start-up ventures and those moving to the UK from overseas in financial services.

Sturgeon then went on to pioneer the use of the Appointed Representative firm in the wholesale market in 2003. The Sturgeon team have always had a hybrid work from home model and to date its management team continues to be 50%+ women. Sturgeon Ventures, who is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK and is an SEC registered Investment Advisor in the USA, incubates companies and individuals in financial services across 4 pillars: investment management long only and alternatives both open and closed ended; Discretionary Portfolio Management (DFM) to Single Managed Accounts and Multi Family Offices, both liquid and illiquid mandates; corporate finance for selling and buying stakes in companies or issuing new shares; and consultancy services for numerous financial services businesses moving from overseas to the UK or newly established UK businesses.

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Sturgeon Ventures 25 years . Regulatory Incubator