Operator Services

Operator Services for a Collective Investment Scheme (CIS)

The operation of unregulated collective investment schemes in the UK is restricted under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.  This typically includes limited partnerships and limited liability partnerships which have long been a popular choice amongst investors wishing to invest alongside others whilst preserving their own tax status.

The role of the FCA authorised operator is to take overall responsibility for the administration of the fund and have oversight of the financial aspects, ensuring that investors’ cash and assets are properly safeguarded.

Sturgeon Ventures is a market leader in the provision of third party regulatory compliant operator services to the UK closed ended investment sector. Founded on the sector expertise of our team our clients have included many of the UK’s largest and most active institutional investors and investment managers.

Based on our detailed technical understanding of the risk profile associated with our clients’ individual investments and development strategies, we can deliver regulatory compliant solutions with the minimum interference in day-to-day operations, enabling our clients to focus on core fund management activities.

Further Reading

What is a Collective Investment Scheme (CIS)

Failure to be authorised to operate a Collective Investment Scheme

FCA wins a Land banking case

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Start-up Consultancy Services

Portfolio Management Services

Appointed Representative Services

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