Since 2000, Sturgeon Ventures has been working as a Delegated Solution under the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD). Our AIFM Solutions continue to grow alongside the launch of well known industry names as our partners and we have Global Platforms in a number of jurisdictions around the world, both onshore and offshore. These platforms can delegate to us in London or back to you in your home state. They allow a client to either launch as a sub-fund of an existing fund or their own structure as the Investment Manager and/or Risk Manager, in a number of locations. We work with leading administrators who specialise in open and closed ended funds, law firms both at local level and throughout the world, auditors, prime brokers and custodians.
We let you choose your own partners, at the end of the day they’re your partners too. We are jurisdiction neutral, however we have extensive experience in setting up AIFs in London, Malta, Luxembourg, Ireland, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Jersey, Cayman Islands and even Mauritius which often chosen by some more exotic funds. Speed to market is dramatically reduced. We can also introduce you to Capital Introduction teams and to cost effective solutions.
Our clients benefit from our years of experience as the pioneer of the Regulatory Incubation business long before AIFMD came into our lives. Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMs) are now finding out they have a lot more to do as regards their compliance regulations. The AIFMD put in place by the EU, creates a situation where AIFMs have to ensure that they have certain paperwork and structures in place if they are to be able to practice their profession.
AIFMD Requirements
We provide support for the AIFMD requirements.
As part of our compliance work, we can ensure you have training, administration and management support that enables you to effectively and efficiently manage the requirements of the AIFMD. The demands are quite extensive, and include providing information to the FCA on the following issues:
- Information about the persons who are actually conducting the business of the alternative investment fund manager. This means identifying the personnel who carry out the work that manages the funds.
- A full program of activity that is connected to the fund management. This is an outline of all the processes and mid to long-term plans that the AIFM has. The information required here is extensive.
- The remuneration policies and practices of the fund managers also have to be outlined. The level of detail here is again extensive, and hints at the transparency that has resulted due to the directive being put into place.
- The fund managers also have to be quite clear on the details of any arrangements for the delegation of activities to third parties. This again illustrates just how transparent the process is in the wake of the global financial meltdown. The European Union is obviously aiming at finding out everything it can about the practices of alternative investment fund managers. This is an attempt to push towards the full transparency of financial processes.
- When it comes to the funds that they want to manage AIFMs also have to give full information on the investment strategies they intend to follow. This is different to what came before, and again illustrates just how much information is required until the European Union are satisfied that all dealings are transparent and have integrity.
The Plover Bird cleans the crocodile’s teeth and gets a hearty meal. The ultimate partnership.
We can provide you with support by taking some of the processes out of your hands.
We have experience in dealing with the paperwork and administration involved in meeting the requirements of the Directive. We are confident we can provide a service that reduces your workload and allows you to get on with managing the investments you have been entrusted with.