Following the Project Harar Gala Dinner at the end of 2018, 60 patients from around Ethiopia will be provided with life-saving treatment over the next couple of months.
The Evening Standard recently featured the dedication of a London-based nurse, Lara Tang, who will be volunteering for her fourth mission in Ethopia.
Each mission, the volunteer nurses and surgeons help between 50 or 60 children and adults who often have severe, life threatening facial deformities or have suffered injuries from hyena attacks.
Read the Evening Standard article here – Lara Tang and Project Harar.
Sturgeon Ventures and Project Harar
Sturgeon has followed through its donation of 2018 with a further 3,000 eggs for the 2019 mission, helping nourish the patients both pre and post operation.
Jackie Riley, of Sturgeon Ventures, continues to be a Trustee and volunteer for Project Harar. She was instrumental in organizing the 2018 Gala Dinner to a very successful outcome, raising £185,000 with the help of supporters. The impact the fund raising has on peoples’ lives is very real and has enabled the Project Harar 2019 Complex Surgical Mission to go ahead.
This year Jackie devised and launched the Smile Angel Campaign, and continues to lead a team from the Project Harar office to develop the campaign further and rally as many Smile Angels as possible so that, together, we can treat more children with cleft lip and palate.
“…Project Harar provides access to treatment, rehabilitation, and reintegration services in Ethiopia for children and young people with facial deformities.
Rebuilding Faces, Changing Lives…”
To donate to their mission, visit their Just Giving Page.
Or visit their website to learn more about their dedication and life changing work.