Unlike the newer entrants that have joined into the Regulatory Hosting in the last few years, until 2007 Sturgeon Ventures was the only provider of this service as we innovated it, taking the model from the UK Retail Sector. Sturgeon Ventures has incubated people and firms since its launch in 1998.
Sturgeon has no juniors on the team, all the people you will deal with have been in compliance and front office roles for over 5 years – many for 20+ years – and our management team each have in excess of 20 years in the Financial Services industry. Our Founder has been a Stockbroker, a Corporate Financier, a Venture Capitalist and a Portfolio Manager and is the Pioneer of The Regulatory Incubator, having coined the phrase in 2001, which is now more commonly known as The Regulatory Umbrella.
Sturgeon Ventures is 100% privately owned and thrives on innovation. Unlike some of its peers, who are now owned by Private Equity Firms, Sturgeon is nimble and places value on personal relationships.
Some newer entrants have grabbed market share by driving down prices, however low prices do not always mean the best service, nor a partner to build a reputation and entrepreneurial journey with. Check out Sturgeon’s Stories.
Sturgeon thrives on providing world-class advice and solutions that create lasting authentic relationships.
Past and current clients are always happy to have a call with new firms.
For regulatory hosting that helps you develop your business plan more effectively, with full compliance and confidence, turn to us. We incubate financial services companies that want to hit the ground running. From helping to write your business plan, to recruiting staff members that will help you meet your business goals, our Regulatory Umbrella platform gives you the expertise and confidence to enter the UK market quickly and effectively.
If you’d like further help or want to become an Appointed Representative working with an FCA Regulated firm, please contact Sturgeon Ventures.
Sturgeon Ventures FCA Registration listing can be found here – Registered FCA Listing