Start-Up Consultancy Services

The Regulatory Umbrella services of Sturgeon Ventures can project-manage your UK market entry and introduce you to committed and established companies across a range of professional disciplines. By liaising early with the right partners you can plan your market entry effectively, to get your whole project planned and implemented with maximum effectiveness.

Compliance Consultancy Services for Authorisation
Compliance Consultancy Services for Authorisation

Compliance Consultancy Services to become Directly FCA Authorised & Regulated

While we can help companies in any industry, we specialise in the Financial Services sector. We provide both fully managed and simple introductory services, including our Authorisation Service. This is where we work alongside many trusted firms when it is not our specialty sector, like banking licenses, where we have successfully introduced our clients within our ongoing compliance framework.

We can help write your business plan, recruit management and support staff to get your UK project underway. Once you’re established, we can provide one of our senior consultants to sit on your UK board as Compliance Director and/or to adopt the required regulatory positions for certain “Controlled Functions” such as being responsible for Locum CF30s investment advisors and investment managers.

Our policy is to provide free advice and information prior to signing formal agreements so you can do any necessary research you need before committing to financial cost. To find out more about how we can help your company enter the UK Financial Services market please contact us.
Sturgeon Ventures Regulatory Incubation

Other Services

Regulatory Umbrella Services
Regulatory Incubation
AIFM Solutions


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